US and Canadian Regulations Overview for Exporters: Food Labelling, FSMA Foreign Supplier Verification Program and the Safe Foods for Canadians Regulations
Products exported to the US must meet the applicable FDA or USDA labelling requirements for compliance. Likewise, food exported to Canada must comply with Canadian food labelling regulations, regardless of whether consumer packaged, for further manufacture or for food service.
This training program, covering US and Canadian regulations, will provide an overview of food labelling for human foods with a focus on U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) labelling for US foods, Canadian labelling regulations based on Canadian federal food laws, the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Foreign Supplier Verification Program (FSVP) requirements and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency’s Safe Food for Canadians regulations, coming into force January 15, 2019. The training will also address USDA labelling and provide a comparison between US FDA requirements and those under USDA (FSIS) for meat and poultry products.
Join our Industry Experts and Technical Trainers, Jennifer McCreary, Technical Manager, Training & Education Services, NSF International and Gary Gnirss, President, Legal Suites Inc., Bulcan Foodbev Consultants, a division of Legal Suites Inc. to help you understand the regulatory landscape and identify mandatory requirements for compliance for the food products you are exporting to North America. At the end of the program, you will be able to:
Discuss US and Canadian regulatory requirements for food labelling, plus:
Appreciate basic food labelling requirements
Focus on new rules related to nutrition facts and serving sizes
Better understand US “added sugar” and Canadian “sugar-based ingredient” labelling rules
Address allergen labelling
Differentiate between mandatory and voluntary GMO labelling
Be introduced to claims (nutrient content and health claims, label statements like “natural”)
Be introduced to valuable resources to assist with setting up compliant food labels
Discuss the FSMA requirements and the role of the Preventive Controls Qualified Individual (PCQI)
Discuss the Foreign Supplier Verification Program (FSVP) requirements that apply to European companies exporting to the US
Review the FDA’s Voluntary Qualified Importer Program (VQIP) and its role in expediting US entry
Discuss CFIA’s Safe Food for Canadians Act and Regulations
Please note that the following food types will not be covered in the training: medical foods, infant formula, alcoholic beverages, pet foods
Date: October 9-11, 2018 (3 days) Price: € 1.349,00 net (incl. drinks, snacks and lunch) Language: English Location: PROSYSTEM GmbH | An NSF International Company 20097 Hamburg, Beim Strohhause 17, 20th Floor Pruban Pruban2018-08-28 11:19:502018-08-28 11:19:50Ready to export your food products to North America?